Lynx Information Systems Ltd - Exploration Archivist Lynx Baseview - Lynx Seismic Location Data Viewer Setup Release 1.2 Please review these installation notes. The default installation folder is C:\LYNXSYS3 (recommended) For further information, see the file INSTALL.HTM in LYNXSYS3\DOCS BASEVIEW is a free download from Lynx Information Systems for viewing Lynx LOC files and (polyline-M) shape files containing seismic location data. For digitising seismic basemaps, importing UKOOA/SEG-P1 data, editing seismic locations and inserting coordinates into seismic trace headers, you will require the Lynx LEAMAP software suite, available separately. Contact Lynx: email: web: tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2634 (c) Lynx Information Systems Ltd 2019 Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------- R1.25 18/07/2019 updated baseview.ini ------------------------------------------------------- R1.24 27/06/2016 updated prmedit.ini ------------------------------------------------------- R1.23 04/03/2015 FILEREG.EXE V1.86 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.22 10/09/2013 Setup mod - ensure LynxData\CUSTOM dir is created ------------------------------------------------------- R1.21 12/03/2013 Updated LEASYS.INI ------------------------------------------------------- R1.20 22/02/2013 Signed exe and setup ------------------------------------------------------- R1.10 06/02/2013 BASEVIEW.EXE V2.35 Setup defaults to %PROGRAMFILES%\Lynxsys3 for new installs ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0E 12/01/2012 CM Copyright updated for 2012 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0D 19/09/2012 CM BASEVIEW.EXE V2.34 - bug fix: handles LOC files containing single vertical or horizontal line ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0C 18/08/2011 CM BASEVIEW.EXE V2.33 Enhancement - display options - OK button always enabled in multi-page dialog ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0B 17/02/2011 CM LOCIO.DLL V1.51 - bug fix: handles rewrite of LOC files with no header records ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0A 15/11/2010 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.82 - custom COM reg skips ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ------------------------------------------------------- R1.09 07/09/2010 CM Updated LOCIO.DLL V1.50 FILEREG.EXE V1.80 - added optional custom COM registrations ------------------------------------------------------- R1.08 17/06/2010 CM BASEVIEW.EXE V2.32 - new Lynx logo ------------------------------------------------------- R1.07 14/12/2009 CM LOCIO.DLL V1.42 Bug fix - SecsToDMS - check for second and minute wrapping ------------------------------------------------------- R1.06 30/06/2009 CM SHPIO.DLL V1.40 - improved support for XYZM shapes ------------------------------------------------------- R1.05 27/04/2009 CM Added publisher name to setup, updated licence ------------------------------------------------------- R1.04 25/03/2009 CM BASEVIEW.EXE V2.31 added plot to JPEG functionality ------------------------------------------------------- R1.03 03/02/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.74 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.02 28/01/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.73 resolves potential internal DLL conflict -------------------------------------------------------- R1.01 27/01/2009 CM Bug fix - creation of local dir; removed leastart.ini from setup so it gets created with correct default dirs if it does not already exist -------------------------------------------------------- R1.00 30/10/2008 CM First standalone setup for BASEVIEW BASEVIEW.EXE V2.30 LOCIO.DLL V1.40 SHPIO.DLL V1.36 MAPCOM.DLL MAPOBJ.INI removed from setup. location attribute view requires LEAMAP installation -------------------------------------------------------