Lynx Information Systems Ltd - Exploration Archivist Lynx Logview - Lynx Wireline Curve Viewer Setup Release 1.6 Please review these installation notes. LOGVIEW is a wireline log curve viewer for files in LAS and LIS format. It can be installed on Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP. The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Lynxsys3 on 32bit Windows or C:\Program Files (x86)\Lynxsys3 on 64bit Windows For further information, see the file INSTALL.HTM in LYNXSYS3\DOCS LOGVIEW is free for non-commercial use. If you wish to use LOGVIEW in a commercial environment, please contact Lynx for licensing information. The LOGVIEWCONSOLE console-mode application is installed with LOGVIEW. Please note that LOGVIEWCONSOLE is NOT included in the free non-commercial licence. You must purchase a licence in order to use LOGVIEWCONSOLE. You can also order a licence from our website at Contact Lynx: email: web: tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2634 (c) Lynx Information Systems Ltd 2024 Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------- R1.62 16/07/2024 LOGVIEW V4.92, LOGVIEWCONSOLE V4.92 Bug fix for loading local curve layout, fixed infinite loop caused by conflicts with master layout ------------------------------------------------------- R1.61 05/07/2024 LOGVIEW V4.91, LOGVIEWCONSOLE V4.91 Curve aliases added from layout as separate curve entries ------------------------------------------------------- R1.60 23/02/2024 LOGVIEW V4.90, LOGVIEWCONSOLE V4.90 Unlicensed splash screen ------------------------------------------------------- R1.59 14/12/2023 LOGVIEW V4.82, LOGVIEWCONSOLE V4.82 Bug fix for LAS files with negative step ------------------------------------------------------- R1.58 23/03/2022 LOGVIEW V4.80, LOGVIEWCONSOLE V4.80 Reads LAS V3 and LF-delimited LAS files ------------------------------------------------------- R1.57 27/06/2016 updated prmedit.ini ------------------------------------------------------- R1.56 13/06/2016 Updated Windows requirements ------------------------------------------------------- R1.55 15/02/2016 LOGVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.72 Report correct log file location with win 64->32 file redirection ------------------------------------------------------- R1.54 19/01/2016 Added DBRTL100.BPL ------------------------------------------------------- R1.53 14/12/2015 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.71 Added COMCTL32 V6 manifest ------------------------------------------------------- R1.52 23/10/2015 Updated viewcomp.ini ------------------------------------------------------- R1.51 09/09/2015 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.70 LOGVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.70 Bug fix 1346: fixed display for LAS file START>STOP ------------------------------------------------------- R1.50 16/07/2015 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.60 LOGVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.60 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.46 04/03/2015 FILEREG.EXE V1.86 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.45 10/07/2014 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.53 fixed by 1281 depth in status bar ------------------------------------------------------- R1.44 10/09/2013 Setup mod - ensure LynxData\CUSTOM dir exists ------------------------------------------------------- R1.43 21/05/2013 Updated help file ------------------------------------------------------- R1.42 13/03/2013 Updated curve list ------------------------------------------------------- R1.41 12/03/2013 Updated LEASYS.INI ------------------------------------------------------- R1.40 22/02/2013 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.52 * Track layout editor - OK/Apply enabling fixed Signed executable and setup ------------------------------------------------------- R1.30 06/02/2013 LOGVIEW.EXE V4.50 * Improved curve/track layout editing * Added user/master curve list synchronisation Setup defaults to %PROGRAMFILES%\Lynxsys3 for new installs Note - if you have Lynx Seismap extension for ESRI ArcGIS installed, you MUST upgrade Seismap to V4.9 (Seismap setup release 4.50), along with this setup for Logview V4.5, to avoid version conflicts, as both applications use the same configuration files. ------------------------------------------------------- R1.20 21/11/2012 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.43 * Unknown Curves dialog - save/print/help buttons anchored to bottom of dialog * Restored window position adjusted for changes in multiple-monitor configuration ------------------------------------------------------- R1.19 09/02/2012 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.42 - help browser is hardcoded to MSIE ------------------------------------------------------- R1.18 24/01/2012 CM LOGVIEW.INI update - setup deletes existing logview.layout ------------------------------------------------------- R1.17 18/01/2012 CM Updated LOGVIEW.INI - added X curve mnemonics ------------------------------------------------------- R1.16 12/01/2012 CM Copyright updated for 2012 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.15 18/08/2011 CM Setup wizard image resized ------------------------------------------------------- R1.14 15/11/2010 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.82 - custom COM reg skips ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ------------------------------------------------------- R1.13 09/11/2010 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.41 - JPEG plot - added additional 2px margin ------------------------------------------------------- R1.12 29/10/2010 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.40 Enhancements Improved track layout error messages and revert to default. Unknown curves display - system layout searched if curve mnemonic not in user layout. Note - if you have Lynx Seismap extension for ESRI ArcGIS installed, you MUST upgrade Seismap to V4.2, along with this setup for Logview V4.4, to avoid version conflicts, as both applications read settings from LOGVIEW.INI. ------------------------------------------------------- R1.11 07/09/2010 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.80 - added optional custom COM registration ------------------------------------------------------- R1.10 17/06/2010 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.32 - new Lynx logo ------------------------------------------------------- R1.09 15/09/2009 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.31 can add curve to track and remove curve from track, allows curve to be displayed in different tracks with 2 different scales ------------------------------------------------------- R1.08 24/04/2009 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.29 added support for USB dongles and domain licences ------------------------------------------------------- R1.07 26/03/2009 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.27 added plot to JPEG functionality ------------------------------------------------------- R1.05 03/02/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.74 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.04 28/01/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.73 resolves potential internal DLL conflict -------------------------------------------------------- R1.03 27/01/2009 CM Bug fix - creation of local dir; removed leastart.ini from setup so it gets created with correct default dirs if it does not already exist ------------------------------------------------------- R1.02 21/11/2008 CM LOGVIEW.EXE V4.22 - bug fix: toggling visibilty of curves created duplicated scale displays ------------------------------------------------------- R1.01 12/11/2008 CM Updated LOGVIEW.INI - additional mnemonics RES SNP, GRD ------------------------------------------------------- R1.00 29/10/2008 CM First standalone setup for LOGVIEW LOGVIEW.EXE V4.21 -------------------------------------------------------