Lynx Information Systems Ltd - Exploration Archivist Lynx Seisview - Lynx Seismic Data Viewer Setup Release 1.7 Please review these installation notes. SEISVIEW is a seismic data file viewer for 2D profiles and 3D inlines and crosslines in SEG-Y format. It can be installed on Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP or Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008 or 2003. The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Lynxsys3 on 32bit Windows or C:\Program Files (x86)\Lynxsys3 on 64bit Windows For further information, see the file INSTALL.HTM in Lynxsys3\DOCS SEISVIEW is free for non-commercial use. If you wish to use SEISVIEW in a commercial environment, please contact Lynx for licensing information. The SEISVIEWCONSOLE console-mode application is installed with SEISVIEW. SEISVIEWCONSOLE can be used in batch mode to generate seismic image plots. Please note that SEISVIEWCONSOLE is NOT included in the free non-commercial licence - you must purchase a licence in order to use SEISVIEWCONSOLE. You can also order a licence from our website at Contact Lynx: email: web: tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2634 (c) Lynx Information Systems Ltd 2024 Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------- R1.78 04/12/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.68 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.68 3D TR0 cache trace scaling, catch overflow errors ------------------------------------------------------- R1.77 18/11/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.67 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.67 command line default amplitude bug fix -------------------------------------------------------- R1.76 15/11/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.66 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.66 3D TR0 caching verbose mode added ------------------------------------------------------- R1.75 28/10/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.63 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.63 3D TR0 cache initialization bug fix ------------------------------------------------------- R1.74 25/10/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.62 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.62 3D indexing bug fix, add dummy inlines for irregular increment ------------------------------------------------------- R1.73 15/10/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.60 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.60 Additional seisviewconsole 3D TR0 caching for inlines crosslines and zslices ------------------------------------------------------- R1.72 08/07/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.54 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.54 Additional seisviewconsole arguments for 3D profile generation ------------------------------------------------------- R1.71 01/07/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.53 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.53 3D profile/zslice plot scalebar label fixes ------------------------------------------------------- R1.70 23/02/2024 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.52 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.52 - 3D Z-slice image generation and optional TR0 caching ------------------------------------------------------- R1.6C 17/11/2023 SEISVIEWCONSOLE digital signature ------------------------------------------------------- R1.6B 11/05/2023 Added SEIS3DINDEX.EXE V1.01 - faster indexing of 3D SEGY files ------------------------------------------------------- R1.6A 24/12/2020 SEISVIEW V5.37 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.37 added -watermarkcolor arg ------------------------------------------------------- R1.69 07/09/2020 SEISVIEW V5.35 * fixed -trspacing command-line switch display scaling SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.35 * subprocesses, check endTile<=numTiles * fixed accumulated rounding errors for tiles of very deep TWT ------------------------------------------------------ R1.68 07/08/2020 SEISVIEW V5.33 * show amplitude level in status bar and colorbar * initialse params for 3D display with -3dindex arg SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.33 * show amplitude level in colorbar * -rmsfixed arg changed to -fixedpeak, required with -ampopt=fixed ------------------------------------------------------- R1.67 04/08/2020 SEISVIEW V5.31 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.31 * 3d profile interpolation, check cdp increment ------------------------------------------------------- R1.66 31/07/2020 SEISVIEW V5.30 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.30 * added -ampopt and -rmsfixed command-line options ------------------------------------------------------- R1.65 29/07/2020 SEISVIEW V5.25 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.25 * max xlines increased for index building * -overwrite flag checked for -jpeg flag ------------------------------------------------------- R1.64 10/07/2020 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.23 * tiling pixel margin rounding error fixed ------------------------------------------------------- R1.63 23/06/2020 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.22 SEISVIEWCONSOLE V5.22 * fixed sample window tiling bug ------------------------------------------------------- R1.62 17/06/2020 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.21 * added 3D survey/profile display balance SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.21 * added -3drms=survey/profile arg * added -colorbar arg * -watermark works with -jpegTileDir ------------------------------------------------------- R1.61 05/05/2020 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.16 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.16 * 3dindex startup optimisation * seisviewconsole log file rotation * seisview - improved color bar display ------------------------------------------------------- R1.60 23/09/2018 SEISVIEW.EXE V5.04 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V5.04 - JPEG tile generation modifications: * relaunch as subprocess for better resource/handle management * added -createTiles argument, list of JPEG tiles to generate ------------------------------------------------------- R1.59 10/04/2017 SEISIO.DLL V2.96 - fixed bug 1355: SEGYREV1 sample format 5 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.58 19/09/2016 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.99 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.99 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.57 28/06/2016 updated prmedit.ini ------------------------------------------------------- R1.56 17/06/2016 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.98 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.98 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.55 13/06/2016 Updated Windows requirements ------------------------------------------------------- R1.54 15/02/2016 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.97 Report correct log file location with win 64->32 file redirection ------------------------------------------------------- R1.53 13/05/2015 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.96 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.96 SeisviewConsole: * implemented 3D profile and index generation command-line switches * fixed accumulated rounding error and resource leak for tile generation Seisview and SeisviewConsole * removed MSXML4 dependency, now requires MSXML6 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.51 04/03/2015 FILEREG.EXE V1.86 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.50 25/11/2014 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.80 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.80 * added 2 new seismic display styles: orange-white-black green-white-brown -------------------------------------------------------- R1.48 29/08/2014 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.61 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.61 * additional command-line param for C-Card dump to text file -------------------------------------------------------- R1.47 21/08/2014 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.50 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.50 * additional command-line params for JPEG tile generation ------------------------------------------------------- R1.46 26/03/2014 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.40 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.40 * added command-line param -dirltor * fixed bug 1278 - repeated clicks of HMirror button ------------------------------------------------------ R1.45 21/01/2014 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.30 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.30 * command-line parameters - added -3d options ------------------------------------------------------- R1.43 10/09/2013 Setup mod - ensure LynxData\CUSTOM dir exists ------------------------------------------------------- R1.42 28/08/2013 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.24 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.24 * command-line parameters - added -version and -ampl ------------------------------------------------------- R1.41 18/07/2013 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.22 SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.22 * ensure JPEG plot destination folder exists * corrected console usage message and SEISVIEW.HTM for displaystyle parameter ------------------------------------------------------- R1.40 08/07/2013 Updated executable SEISVIEW.EXE V4.20 * modified command-line parameters * free for non-commercial use, with splash screen New console-mode utility for batch plot generation SEISVIEWCONSOLE.EXE V4.20 * requires licence to run ------------------------------------------------------- R1.32 21/05/2013 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.13 Updated help files ------------------------------------------------------- R1.31 12/03/2013 Updated LEASYS.INI, SEIS3D.INI ------------------------------------------------------- R1.30 22/02/2013 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.10 - Free for non-commercial use, with splash screen Signed exe and setup ------------------------------------------------------- R1.20 06/02/2013 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.04 Setup defaults to %PROGRAMFILES%\Lynxsys3 for new installs SEISVIEW.INI version bug fixed ------------------------------------------------------- R1.18 21/11/2012 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.02 * Restored window position adjusted for changes in multiple-monitor configuration ------------------------------------------------------- R1.17 07/09/2012 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.01 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.16 12/04/2012 SEISVIEW.EXE V4.00 - added support for SEGYREV1 3D inline/xline header slots SEISIO.DLL V2.94 - improved support/recognition of SEGYREV1 without fixed-length record flag ------------------------------------------------------- R1.15 09/02/2012 CM SEISVIEW V3.99 - help browser is hardcoded to MSIE ------------------------------------------------------- R1.14 12/01/2012 CM Copyright updated for 2012 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.13 09/12/2011 CM Added .SEGY as file extension association for SEISVIEW ------------------------------------------------------- R1.12 29/11/2011 CM SEISIO.DLL V2.93 - valid sample interval range increased - handles sample intervals of up to 32ms ------------------------------------------------------- R1.11 18/08/2011 CM SEISIO.DLL V2.92 - added SEG-Y Lynx Variant-3, SEG-Y Revision-1 compatible format ------------------------------------------------------- R1.10 04/04/2011 CM SEISIO.DLL V2.82 - bug fix - ReplaceCCard - ensure last char is blanked before overwrite ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0G 15/11/2010 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.82 - custom COM reg skips ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0F 09/11/2010 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.98 - JPEG plot additional 2px margin ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0E 29/10/2010 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.96 Plot to JPEG - large images - fixed resource error Plot - additional 4px left margin ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0D 07/09/2010 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.80 - added optional custom COM registration ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0C 17/06/2010 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.95 - new Lynx logo ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0B 11/12/2009 CM SEISIO.DLL V2.81 - C-Card add/replace fix, include chars 79-80 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.0A 30/06/2009 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.94 Bug fix: SP display params, fix bad SP source when loaded from old params ------------------------------------------------------- R1.09 14/05/2009 CM SEISIO.DLL V2.80 Read SEG-Y Lynx variant 2 (SEGYL2) format - preserves TMin ------------------------------------------------------- R1.08 30/04/2009 CM SEISVIEW.INI SEISIO_SEGYL_TMIN=0 TMin in trace header unreliable - always display as 0 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.07 24/04/2009 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.93 Enhancement: Irregular shotpoint display - additional param page to set shotpoint source. Note: if you already have TRACEIFX installed, you MUST upgrade TRACEFIX to V5.0 in conjunction with this SEISVIEW installation. Download the latest version of SSVSUITE to upgrade TRACEFIX. SEISIO.DLL V2.73 SEG-Y (Lynx-variant) files - read TMin from 1st trace header ------------------------------------------------------- R1.06 02/04/2009 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.85 metrlb40 (USB dongle/domain licence support) ------------------------------------------------------- R1.05 26/03/2009 CM SEISVIEW.EXE V3.84 added plot to JPEG functionality ------------------------------------------------------- R1.03 03/02/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.74 ------------------------------------------------------- R1.02 28/01/2009 CM FILEREG.EXE V1.73 resolves potential internal DLL conflict -------------------------------------------------------- R1.01 27/01/2009 CM Bug fix - creation of local dir; removed leastart.ini from setup so it gets created with correct default dirs if it does not already exist ------------------------------------------------------- R1.00 29/10/2008 CM First standalone setup for SEISVIEW SEISVIEW.EXE V3.81 SEISIO.DLL V2.70 SEISCOM.DLL SEISOBJ.INI removed from setup. seismic attribute view requires SSVSuite installation -------------------------------------------------------