Version: 2.0
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RASVIEW is a general purpose raster file viewer, which can display monochrome or colour graphics files in over 60 formats. This version of RASVIEW is based on Lynx's standard viewer components shared by other Lynx programs and viewers.
A raster or graphics file can be opened for viewing in three ways:
- Select the File-Open menu option, and select the file in the open file dialogue
- Specify the file on the command line when starting RASVIEW
- Drag the file from an explorer window, and drop it on RASVIEW
To run from the command line:-
RASVIEW [-on] [-zppp] [INFILENAME]
The o command flag sets the displayed "orientation" of the image.
n is an orientation code in the range 0 to 7, made up by setting three bits
"1" bit - vertical mirror
"2" bit - rotate 90 degrees
"4" bit - horizontal mirror-o3 will set vertical mirror AND rotate 90 degrees.
The z command flag sets the zoom factor for the image as a percentage of a 1:1 pixel scale
ppp is the percentage scale for the displayed image-z50 will set a zoom factor of 50%, i.e. the image will appear at half its 1:1 pixel size.
INFILENAME is the full path of a raster file to open at program startup.
RASVIEW startup options can be set in the [STARTUP] section of the program's INI file.
where N can be a number between 0 and 7 which determines the initial orientation of the input file. See the -o command line option above.zoompcnt=mm
where mm is the initial zoom in percent. Setting this to 100 will display the input file at 1:1 input pixel to screen pixel.100file filter=ffffffff
where ffffffff is a standard windows open dialog file filter, for example,
Tiff files (*.TIF)|*.TIF|all files (*.*)|*.*|
See Raster file related messages in Viewer Common Functionality.