Lynx Exploration Archivist Help

Program: LEACFG

Title: Lynx System Configuration Editor

Version: 1.3

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LEACfg enables various aspects of Lynx Exploration Archivist (LEA) to be configured by the user or system administrator. These tasks fall into the following categories

INI files recognised by LEACfg

  1. LEASTART.INI, the LEA startup configuration file, which determines the location of Lynx system files, components and documentation for a workstation
  2. System configuration LEASYS.INI, which is used by all LEA applications for common features
  3. LEA program INI files, with individual program startup, message and label sections and parameter page layouts
  4. LEA Unit INI files, which are used by LEA run-time libraries and DLLs
  5. LEA Object INI files (editing not implemented in LEACfg - use LEAObjWz if available


LEACfg is intended to make the task of configuring LEA programs simpler and more foolproof than editing the INI files directly. Nevertheless, you can cause LEA programs to cease functioning properly if you change the INI files without understanding what you are doing! If this happens, you can usually restore the program to normal operation by erasing its INI file from your local \custom directory. Select the File - Open Program INI - Custom INI File menu and when the Open dialogue box appears, right click on the file you wish to erase and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

For further information about LEA INI files, see

LEA System Installation

LEA Application Framework

LEA Program INI file and Parameter file Formats

Configuring LEACfg

LEACfg can be used for configuring itself, but only if this function has been enabled in its own INI file. This prevents unauthorised modification of the system, which could lead to problems.See the README.TXT installation notes on the installation CD-ROM

The following entries can be modified in the [startup] section of LEACFG.INI:

modify system=1
Enables (1) and disables (0) the capability of modifying system INI files

program sections=lynx,program,startup,help,labels,errors,messages,parameters
This is a list of the ini file section names which LEACFG can access in a program ini file.

unit sections=lynx,help,labels,errors,messages
This is a list of the ini file section names which LEACFG can access in a library unit ini file.

sys sections=helpsystems,help,LEASys,exec errors
This is a list of the ini file section names which LEACFG can access in the LEASys.INI file

Running the LEACfg Program

The program can be run from Launcher or invoked with a command line specifying an optional INI file to be loaded, eg

LEACfg [Prog.INI]

where Prog.INI is the file to be configured.

Menus and Controls

Program Messages

No INI files found

No INI files were found on the specified path

Replace local custom INI file

You are attempting to replace an INI file in your local custom directory with a modified version - this will affect the way the relevant LEA program runs, but only on your PC

Change your LEA system dir to <dirpath>

Reset the LEA system directory

WARNING - Lynx programs may stop working if you do this If you change LEASTART.INI, LEA programs may not be able to find the files they need to run correctly. Make sure that you understand what you are doing before altering LEASTART.INI !

No configuration information in INI file

This INI file does not have a [startup] section

Error initialising help file

The help file is missing or incorrectly formatted

Overwriting INI file in LynxSys??

An attempt is being made to ovewrite a program or other INI file in the Lynx system directory. If you do this, other users sharing the system with you will also see the changes you have made. You may prefer to save the ini file in your local custom directory, where you can access it, but other users cannot